Years at Protiviti: “2 years”
Path to Protiviti: “I attended Virginia Tech where I received a degree in Business – Information Technology. Upon attending a career fair at VT, I approached Protiviti because I was interested in the consulting business and wanted to be specifically in IT.”
Current Solution and/or Industry focus: Security & Privacy with a focus on Identity and Access Management (IAM)
What is one piece of advice you’d offer to those starting their career? “You can never ask too many questions! Always stay curious about learning the next thing. Technology and business is always changing.”
What is something that has been impactful to you throughout your career? “Great mentors at Protiviti. The advisor program that Protiviti has in place has been wonderful, not only for career development, but for personal development as well.”
Name a memorable career experience. “Getting the news about my first-ever career promotion to Senior Consultant! Protiviti does a great job appreciating their employees and I am excited to continue my career here!”
If you could sum Protiviti up in one word, what would it be? “Proactive”
Name your superhero work skill. “Work/Time Management and Power BI, which is a Microsoft tool that I’ve been able to master.”
Ryan and his fiancee!

Congratulations, Ryan! We are excited to watch you continue to grow in your career and hope you’ve enjoyed celebrating this milestone.